Terms and conditions of service

Last updated May 11, 2023.

When making the purchase of a service Target Loop, the client declares that he is of legal age and has the legal capacity to sign contracts. In addition, the client expressly and fully accepts the agreements called "Terms and Conditions of Service" and the "Privacy Policy". Likewise, the client accepts that all the rules and guidelines contained in the aforementioned sections may be varied by Target Loop without prior notice at the time that the company so deems appropriate.

For this reason, it will be the customer's responsibility to regularly consult the aforementioned documents and be aware of their content. The continuity of the use of the service by the client constitutes his acceptance of the changes made in the mentioned agreements, if the client does not agree with the terms of the service MUST immediately notify Target Loop and stop or cancel your use of the service. The client must and can make this notification to Target Loop by sending an email to the email address Target Loop.

Target Loop can cancel at any time and without prior notification the service contracted by the client in the event that the latter incurs in any violation of the terms described here.

Likewise, the client guarantees that he is not violating any law or regulation with his use of the service and exempts Target Loop from all responsibility in case of any violation. Customer agrees to release, indemnify and hold no fault Target Loop of any claim made against Target Loop by a third company or person that is affected by the use of the service acquired by the customer.


The purpose of this contract is to regulate the conditions in which the client accesses and uses the services contracted in Target Loop, as well as, set the conditions and form of remuneration of the client to Target Loop.


All our services are indicated in US dollars.


Regarding the prices of the services, the client will be charged the prices established in the corresponding section, as they are offered on the website. Prices include value added tax as provided by applicable laws in the United States of Mexico (16%).

In addition to the purchase price, the customer will be responsible for paying all taxes that are generated, including value added tax, consumption, use, privilege, ad valorem, customs and any other type of tax, lien, fee or similar charges, taxes levied or increased under any municipal, state, federal, international or any other national law, rule, ordinance or regulation with respect to the services sold to the customer. In the event that the seller, for any reason, is forced to pay such taxes, the buyer must, upon request, immediately refund said amounts to the seller. The client will provide, at the seller's request, any certificate of tax exemption.

In addition, to the extent required by applicable laws in each country, customers agree to send us completed tax forms to enable us to make all required filings with tax authorities.


We may change prices and/or introduce new charges in addition to prices at our sole discretion with thirty (30) days prior written notice to user.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may increase prices, immediately and with contemporary notice.


The price of the services will be paid in advance by credit card or other payment method accepted on the website.


To provide any service, it will be necessary to cover 100% of the amount including taxes.


Payments can be made via accepted credit or debit card.

We are not responsible for delays in our services in cases of fortuitous or force majeure. under no circumstances Target Loop will pay penalties for late delivery of our services.


If the client wishes to cancel any service contracted to Target Loop, you must submit a cancellation request at least 30 days in advance. This notification will only be valid once its receipt is confirmed by Target Loop to the client.

The client has complete freedom to request Target Loop the cancellation of the service at the time you want, is facilitated by sending the request to the email Target Loop.


Target Loop may cancel the service contracted by the client according to your own criteria and without the need for prior notification to the client in the following cases:

  • If the client has not complied with the advance payment of his service for the contracted term.
  • If the client has committed any violation of the commitments acquired in the "Terms and Conditions of Service".
  • Target Loop is not and will not be responsible for the integrity of the data in accounts that are cancelled, suspended or disconnected due to non-payment or violation of any rule established in this document.
  • The account may be suspended / canceled in case of incurring in any fault to the personnel of Target Loop. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal or written offenses, any type of racial or gender discrimination; our staff is at your service, but they are professionals in their area and deserve due respect, just like the client.
  • Accounts that are cancelled, suspended or disconnected due to any violation of the rules established in this agreement will NOT be able to request a refund because by violating this agreement they automatically lose all the guarantee offered Target Loop.
  • If the client has not complied with their payments within 7 days after the expiration of their billing, the data stored in their account will be completely deleted from our Data Center, without the right to claim, because the service payment date is clearly established.



The client will be solely responsible for any security breach affecting servers or accounts under their control. If your server is responsible for or implicated in an attack or unauthorized access to another server or system. Target Loop will disable the service immediately.


The client guarantees Target Loop that:

  • You are at least 18 years old if you are an individual.
  • You have the right and legal ability to enter into this agreement.
  • You will use the contracted service only for legal purposes and in accordance with this agreement and all applicable policies and guidelines.
  • The content of your account does not infringe or violate any right of a third party (including intellectual property rights) or any applicable law, regulation or ordinance.



Target Loop will not be responsible in case of any unauthorized access, alteration or destruction of information distributed or made available using its services.

The client must ensure the security of the username, password and data given by the company to access their account. The handling of these data by the user will not be the responsibility of Target Loop.


In no case Target Loop or its suppliers will be liable to you for consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the use or inability to use the software, even if Target Loop or your provider has been notified of any claim by a third party.


Target Loop does not collect any personal information, such as passwords, credit or debit cards, or other personally identifiable information.


The Software is licensed, not sold. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the Software is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership of the rights in and to the Software shall remain the exclusive property of Target Loop and its suppliers and will not acquire any rights to the Software, except as expressly set forth above.


You agree that you will not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate, or disassemble the Software, in whole or in part. Any breach of the foregoing or any other terms and conditions contained herein will result in automatic termination of this license and the reversion of the rights granted hereunder to Target Loop.


This agreement of "Terms and conditions of Service" may change at any time and the client accepts that all the rules and guidelines contained in it may be varied by Target Loop without prior notice at the time Target Loop see fit. For this reason, it will be the client's responsibility to regularly consult this section and be aware of its content on its website.

If you have any questions regarding the policies described here, please contact us:

Email: contactus@targetloop.net